Friday, October 27, 2006

The Empire

Last night Shan and I went to the Commodore and had a lovely dinner and beer while listening to the supporting act before the Cat Empire came on.

To be honest I've been meaning to get around to listening to the Cat Empire for a while. I'd heard 2 of their songs and seen 1 music video of their 2nd CD. I liked what I heard but just didn't get around to it. When we arrived at the end of July and had just missed them at the Blues festival we were a little disappointed. However a month later I was walking around the streets and saw a flyer saying the Cat Empire was playing on their own away from the rest of the festival. So I ran home to tell shan and she had seen the same flyer. So we got a copy of the first CD, we bought tickets and waited.

Fast forward to last night and we were ready for a good show as we liked what we'd heard. And boy, what a show! It started at 10:45 and was still going strong at 1am. We danced non-stop. We were in what would be considered the 4th row if you could put rows in the mosh pit. Jumping up and down and accosted by drunken Irish women, shan and I just kept going. They were quite honestly one of the best live performances I have ever seen. I would put them at number 2 in my list of live performances I've seen. They knew how to entertain and involve the crowd. I had to work the next day but who cared, we dance, we sang, we laughed. It was good to be part of the Empire for the night.

Thanks Cat Empire, we had a great night. I'm still laughing at the irony that we had to come to Vancouver to see an Australian band.

Edit: I meant to also add, while we were waiting for the band to start, I called this out just for Joe and Guy "Play some fucking Chisel"

2nd Edit: I just remembered that while we were dancing there was a Guy who I at first thought was a little obnoxious and creepy as he kept leaning on me while I was dancing. After about 1-2 minutes I turned around to see what the hell was his deal and the guy looked like he could barely stand. He was either drunk as a skunk or high as a kite. Either way he wasn't coping as he looked like he'd already sweat out half his body weight in fluid. A few seconds later a few security guys came along and pulled him out of the mosh pit asking if he was "ok". He looked like he was about to collapse. While it was a little creepy, hope he survived, he looked like his heart was about to kerplode.

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