Monday, February 26, 2007

Shannon is teh Winner

With the highest mark of 16, Shannon along with many calls of "rigged" with much grace and skill, won the prize of Chocolate Oscar. Gracious enough to share her ill-gotten gains. Here is a picture of her, coveting the head.

It was a fun night, some people won awards they should have, others were "surprises" but almost expected. I'm glad Scorsese finally won an Oscar. I really enjoyed the Departed, I just wish Scorsese had won an Oscar for something more original than a remake.

We drank far too much wine and today was just hell to begin with. Halfway through though, someone offered me a free lunch and everything was back to normal.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Who will win?!

The Oscars are upon us. The time of red carpets, bad fashion choices and movie awards.

And to celebrate, we're keeping with Hive tradition and holding an Oscars party. However this year its going to be a bit different. We have a prize. For being able to pick the most Academy awards of merit (on this sheet), they shall win this chocolate crusader. And if you look real close, you can see he has gold flakes embedded into his exterior (and throughout said the nice lady at the chocolate store). It kinda reminds me of the Critic, 'cause now I want one more than ever!

Anyways hears hoping that Shan or I win the Oscar. I did consider Making up a version of the Oscars but sadly I cannot pull of a convincing Ellen. I'll post a report when its all over as to who won.

And I promise Anna that there is no chance I will leak who won what, that would be mean..... ;)